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National Runner Up


Study about the future of wearable technology and datasecurity

What it does

MYNK is a physical data protection set for Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN). It consists of silicon applications, a technical textil and an intelligent artifact. Based on a physical barriere it enables users to control data transmission of wireless devices.

Your inspiration

In the course of my diploma thesis I analyzed bioacoustic sensor systems and the future of wearable technology. Miniaturisation and new technologies lead to a steadily growing market for non-invasive skin sensors, which collect and wirelessly exchange data. The increase of automatisation through artificial intelligence makes it extremely difficult to control these invisible processes. The simplicity of a cable physically connecting devices with the internet formed the foundation for the security system. It was implemented in form of a layered protection system related to stealth technology of military aviation.

How it works

Three physical layers create a gate system between user and environment. The system consists of skin-like silicon applications, a technical textil and an intelligent artifact in form of a necklace. All of the parts can be used seperately but create a powerful safety mechanism when used together. The silicon patches can be put directly onto the different on-skin located sensors. They're hiding the devices beneath and create a shielding layer. Through the contact with the surface of these patches, the technical textil connects any sensors beneath, by a conductive graphene-like net structure at the inside. It constitutes the second physical layer and functions as connection element and further shielding layer. Therefore it uses a specialized coating at the outside. The artifact is an intelligent transmitter, which connects through the contact with the textil. A so-called Jammer is attached to the back of the necklace and covers the user into an interfering signal.

Design process

In the course of a progressive design process a narrative future scenario was created by analysing specific theories of culture and technology, based on developments in the fields of nano- and sensortechnology, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, communications as well as sociocultural consequences. As the product occurs in a future scenario it is important to use common methods of futurology as well as a comprehensive technology assessment. After determining the key technologies for the product a variety of possible solutions were played through in form of sketches, brainstormings and expert interviews. The preferred solution was then further processed using CAD. After a large number of different construction possibilities the first prototypes were built in consideration of an economic construction. From then on experimenting with different materialcombinations in form of vacuumed samples were implemented to get an understanding for silicon as intersection between human and technology and to clarify final details. For this everything was adjusted to the dimensions as well as the skin tone of the model Sebastian Sailer.

How it is different

Cybersecurity is becoming more and more important. This idea tackles the challenges implied by upcoming technologies in an interesting and creative way. Through it's extraordinary appearance, the MYNK project attracts attention to the importance of the broad area of cybersecurity and associated social needs and consequences. Furthermore it is a realistic well-founded concept design to empower future genereations to control the invisible processes around them.

Future plans

Due to the extensive research the development of a functional prototype was only partly possible and would be the next step to analyse possible challenges and carry out potential simplifications. Raising funds for development and access to specific technologies is therefore inevitable.


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