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Progetto Finalista

Save Food System

This project started from a deep understanding of the food waste problem in today’s life. Save Food System it’s a new preservation system that lengthens the life of fruits and vegetables, reducing domestic food waste.

Cosa fa?

This project started from a deep understanding of the food waste problem in today’s life. Save Food System it’s a new preservation system that lengthens the life of fruits and vegetables, reducing domestic food waste.

La tua ispirazione

Food has become mere material good. We treat what we eat like any item on the market: we buy it, consume it, and then throw it. After careful research and analysis on food waste in Europe, we have discovered that the biggest waste of the entire food chain is made by the consumer which wastes mainly fruit and vegetable. So we decided to work on two fronts simultaneously: technology point by designing a more efficient conservation system exclusively for fruit and vegetables; And cultural part by informing the consumer about food “life value” through an app.

Come funziona?

The project is a new conservation system for fruits and vegetables that is developed on three levels: TECHNOLOGY: Fruits and vegetables in ripening create natural gas ethylene that, in a closed space rotten the food faster. That is why we used the To2 photocatalysis, which make the ethylene stable and lengthen the preservation. ARCHITECTURE: We wanted to avoid “fridge configuration” in the inside architecture because we founded out that often the fridge one increases leftovers; so we studied the best position for preserve every kind of fruit and veg. Also the material used are recyclable. COMMUNICATION and APP: The app helps the consumer waste less by for example communicate when you are at the shop how much food you have thanks to weight sensor in the system.

Processo di progettazione

RESEARCH We have dealt with the issue of waste in the food chain for three months. Elaborating a written essay with a clear and concise vision of food waste in the European chain. Thanks to this in-depth analysis, we have decided to work on domestic waste, focusing mainly on the preservation of fruit and vegetables, which are today the most wasted food in Italy at home. CONCEPT & PROTOTYPING Understanding the objective, we have developed several concept and tested prototypes to reach the final one through a user experience process based on the user's problems and an innovative technological approach. FINAL PRODUCT We have engineered the project and thanks to several companies in the territory of Milan we have realized the working product that today is exposed at IED Milano.

In che modo è differente?

Our project is innovative because it questions the fridge archetype, defined as "a large container where you can put everything"; So we create a new place dedicated to the life of fruit and vegetables and healthy eating habits. Thanks to the technology, the system is able to save food for longer. Also being not a product but a system / service with an integrated app is able to re-value food in the consumer's mind by telling the footprint and the status of each aliment. Our intent was to work on two very important fronts: the cultural one and the technological one. What we tried to do is to create a product that goes not only to improve the preservation of our foods but to make the users aware of their choices. This kind of approach has led us to create a unique product on the market.

Progetti per il futuro

Our idea is to make the project industrializable by creating a company that can produce and commercialize it. At this time we are collaborating with an Italian university to use a new technology for avoid the To2 which requires tests. Meanwhile, we are already developing other sub-branches that can work with the similar principle. We have already identified our target and market. The idea is also to develop the project out of the home environment using it within the GDO and restaurants. At this time we are looking for funding to develope the project



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